Introduction ============ HyperLoom is a platform for defining and executing workflow pipelines in a distributed environment. HyperLoom aims to be a highly scalable framework that is able to efficiently execute millions of interconnected tasks on hundreds of computational nodes. User defines and submits a plan - a computational graph (Directed Acyclic Graph) that captures dependencies between computational tasks. The HyperLoom infrastructure then automatically schedules the tasks on available nodes while managing all necessary data transfers. Architecture ------------ HyperLoom architecture is depicted in :numref:`architecture`. HyperLoom consist of a server process that manages worker processes running on computational nodes and a client component that provides an user interface to HyperLoom. The main components are: * **client** -- The Python gateway to HyperLoom -- it allows users to programmatically chain computational tasks into a plan and submit the plan to the server. It also provides a functionality to gather results of the submitted tasks after the computation finishes. * **server** -- receives and decomposes a HyperLoom plan and reactively schedules tasks to run on available computational resources provided by workers. * **worker** -- executes and runs tasks as scheduled by the server and inform the server about the task states. HyperLoom provides options to extend worker functionality by defining custom task or data types. (Server and worker are written in C++.) .. figure:: arch.png :width: 400 :alt: Architecture scheme :name: architecture :align: center Architecture of HyperLoom Basic terms ----------- The basic elements of Loom's programming model are: **data object**, **task**, and **plan**. A **data object** is an arbitrary data structure that can be serialized/deserialized. A **task** represents a computational unit that produces data objects. A **plan** is a set of interconnected tasks. Tasks +++++ A **task** is an object representing a computation together with its dependencies and a configuration. Each task has the following attributes: * Task inputs -- task's prerequisites (some other tasks) * Task type -- the specification of the procedure that should be executed * Task policy -- defines how should be the task scheduled * Configuration -- a sequence of bytes that is interpreted according the task type * Resource constraints By task *execution*, we mean executing a procedure according to *task type*, which takes data objects and configuration, and returns a new data object. The input data objects are obtained as a result of executing tasks defined in task inputs. Resource constraints serve to express that a task execution may need some specific hardware or number of processes. Plan ++++ **Plan** is a set of tasks. Plan has to form a finite asyclic directed multigraph where nodes are tasks and arcs express input dependencies between tasks. *Plan execution* is an execution of tasks according to the dependencies defined in the graph. .. Note:: * We have formally restricted each task to return only a single data object as its result. However, a task can produce more results by returning an array of data objects. * Input data objects are always results of a previous tasks. To create a specific constant data object, there is a standard task (``tasks.const`` in Python API) that takes no input and only creates a data object from its configuration. Symbols +++++++ Customization and extendability are important concepts of HyperLoom. HyperLoom is designed to enable creating customized workers that providies new task types, data objects and resources. HyperLoom uses the concept of name spaces to avoid potential name clashes between different workers. Each type of data object, task type and resource type is identified by a symbol. Symbols are hierarchically organized and the slash character `/` is used as the separator of each level (e.g. `loom/data/const`). All built-in task types, data object types, and resource types always start with `loom/` prefix. Other objects introduced in a a specialized worker should introduce its own prefix. Data objects ++++++++++++ Data objects are fundamental entities in HyperLoom. They represent values that serves as arguments and results of tasks. There are the following build-in basic types of data objects: * **Plain object** -- An anonymous sequence of bytes without any additional interpretation by HyperLoom. * **File** -- A handler to an external file on shared file system. From the user's perspective, it behaves like a plain object; except when a data transfer between nodes occurs, only a path to the file is transferred. * **Array** -- A sequence of arbitrary data objects * **Index** -- A logical view over a D-Object data object with a list of positions. It is used to slice data according some positions (e.g. positions of the new-line character to extract lines). It behaves like an array without explicit storing of each entry. * **PyObj** -- Contains an arbitrary Python object We call objects that are able to provide a content as continous chunk of memory as **D-Objects**. Plain object and File object are D-Objects; Array, Index, and PyObj are *not* D-Objects. Each data object * **size** -- the number of bytes needed to store the object * **length** -- the number of 'inner pieces'. Length is zero when an object has no inner structure. Plain objects and files have always zero length; an array has length equal to number of lements in the array. .. Note:: **size** is an approximation. For a plain object, it is the length of data itself without any metada. The size of an array is a sum of sizes of elements. The size of PyObj is obtained by ``sys.getsizeof``.